马阳(Ma, Yang)

马阳, 博士研究生, 2022年9月入学
Yang Ma, Ph.D. candidate, since Sept. 2022
Email: mayang125@buaa.edu.cn
Address: Group 203, Beihang University,
Beijing, China 100191


Yang Ma received his B.E degree in School of Electronics and Information Engineering from Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing, China in 2022. He is now working towards Ph.D degree in BUAA. His research interests lie in the areas of meta-learning and wireless communications.


Journal Papers
  1. B. Zhao, J. Wu, Y. Ma and C. Yang, "Meta-Learning for Wireless Communications: A Survey and a Comparison to GNNs," IEEE Open J. Commun. Soc., vol. 5, pp. 1987-2015, 2024.

Conference Papers
  1. Y. Ma, C. Yang, S. Han, B. Zhao, "Learning Adaptive Beamforming Policy for Different Optimization Problems," IEEE WCNC, 2024.

  2. B. Zhao, Y. Ma, J. Wu, and C. Yang, "Learning Precoding Policy with Inductive Biases: Graph Neural Networks or Meta-learning?" IEEE GLOBECOM, 2023.