Guo Kaiyang received his B.S. degree in the Department of Physical Science and Nuclear Engineering from Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing, China in 2013. He is now working towards Ph.D degree in BUAA. His research interests include interference management, user scheduling and load balancing in heterogeneous cellular networks.
Kaiyang Guo, Chenyang Yang, Tingting Liu, and Zixiang Xiong, "Jointly Optimizing User Association and BS Muting for Cache-enabled Networks with Network-coded Multicast and Reconstructed Interference Cancelation," accepted, IEEE Trans. On Communications.
Kaiyang Guo, Chenyang Yang, and Tingting Liu, "Interference Management by Exploiting Cached Files at Users," IEEE PIMRC 2017.
Kaiyang Guo, Chenyang Yang, and Tingting Liu, "Caching in Base Station with Recommendation via Q-Learning," IEEE WCNC 2017.
郭凯洋,刘婷婷,杨晨阳,“密集网络中基于拓扑信息的用户调度与干扰管理(User Scheduling and Interference Management with Topological Information in Dense Cellular Networks) ”,信号处理期刊,2015.